Maria Paula Marino
The race for Loyola’s new student government leaders has officially begun and three tickets are running for the positions of president and vice president of SGA.
Deon Wilson, sociology junior and current SGA director of programming, and Tyler Sanchez, political science junior and current SGA chief justice, have launched their bid for executive office. Wilson is running for president with Sanchez as her prospective vice president.
Robert Morrison, finance sophomore and current SGA senator-at-large, and Angelyss Vasquez, psychology junior, are also running to snag the titles of SGA president and vice president. Morrison is running for president with Vasquez as his vice presidential running mate.
Christian Martinez, finance freshman, and Aidan Gibson, Spanish language freshman on the teacher education track, are also running for president and vice president respectively.
A handful of students are also running for positions in the SGA senate.
Jai Shy, Analene McCullough, Alexander Smith, and Adele Colson are running to represent the College of Arts and Sciences in SGA. Piper Hudson and Alexis Horton are both campaigning to represent the College of Music and Media while Nick Arpa is the sole candidate running to represent the College of Business. Blake Makofsky is the only candidate campaigning to become a senator-at-large.
Candidates will be actively campaigning through the end of the month with voting for the next SGA beginning March 26 at 6.p.m. on HowlConnect and ending March 31 at 6 p.m. The new student government will be sworn in April 28 on Zoom.