Madeline Taliancich
A student passes by the college of business on Loyola's campus on Nov. 22, 2021.
Dean of the College of Business and Interim Dean of Libraries Michael Capella will end his tenure at Loyola in January 2024.
Capella has accepted the position of Dean of the Mitchell College of Business at the University of South Alabama, according to an email sent by university President Xavier Cole and Interim Provost Justin Daffron.
In his time at Loyola, Capella has taken strides for the college of business, including beginning a new major in 2022 and developing the Global MBA Program.
The email said the university will announce information regarding the vacancy in the Dean of College of Business position on Nov. 27.
Additionally, Associate Dean of Libraries Patricia Nugent will work to “assure faculty, staff and students continue to receive excellent service from the library.”
“We wish Michael all the best in this exciting new opportunity and and thank the faculty and staff in the College and in the library for their support during this time of transition,” Cole and Daffron wrote in the email.