Dear editor,
(Re: “Morning demonstration sparks controversy,” The Maroon Online, March 19.) My name is Landis Niernberger, I am a member of the Loyola University Community Action Program, and I was one of the participants in Monday’s die-in, the memorial demonstration for all victims of the Iraq War.
After reading the prompt coverage of the Global Justice Week demonstration online, I felt that additional clarification of the day’s events was necessary. For example, I was not lying on top of the “Ignorance Action” sign with Wilhelmina Peragine. I was lying several feet away from her. As soon as I saw the conflict taking place, I decided to remain lying on the ground in an act of solidarity with the demonstrators around me and also in an attempt to continue our peaceful demonstration.
I have spoken with the co-presidents of LUCAP, Jay Alcazar and Wilhelmina Peragine, and they agree with the need for further discussion. They are in the process of writing an official LUCAP statement which will detail the organization’s perspective on what happened during the course of the demonstration. For the next issue of The Maroon, individual LUCAP members will submit guest columns and letters to the editor to address this event.
Landis Niernberger History junior
Editor’s reply: Inaccurate information from the online version of this story has been corrected to the best of our knowledge. The correct version of the story appears in today’s paper. We at The Maroon regret any mistakes with this story.