Born to Run 5k supports Woman’s New Life Center

May 1, 2015
For veteran runner Rachel Quintana, the Woman’s New Life Center Born to Run 5K is not just a way to support fitness, fun and pro-life work; it’s also a family tradition.
“My family and I have run the Born to Run race every year since 2012,” Quintana said. “I love that the race supports the amazing, life affirming organization Women’s New Life Center in their mission to promote the love and dignity of human life.”
The Woman’s New Life Center, where women can receive counseling and medical care, will hold their annual Born to Run 5K on May 9.
Born to Run has been one of the Woman’s New Life Center sources of fundraising since 2011.
Born to Run Coordinator Melissa Wender said that the money earned from the fundraiser benefits the women at the center.
“Funds raised help the Woman’s New Life Center provide programs and services that offer nurturing solutions for women experiencing unplanned pregnancy, reproductive health issues or pregnancy loss,” Wender said.
Services provided by the center include pregnancy testing, professional counseling for women and adoption facilitation.
According to Wender, there are no age requirements or limits for participation.
“Everyone at any age or fitness level is welcome to participate, runners and walkers alike. And strollers, we have prizes for Top Stroller Finishers. We offer a 1-mile fun run as well,” Wender said.
Katie Richard, communications coordinator for the Woman’s New Life Center, said the center runs strictly on private donations.
“An event such as Born to Run plays a large part in helping us provide a variety of programs and services,” Richard said. “The funds raised benefit the women and families in Southeast Louisiana, and so any money raised through Born to Run New Orleans directly aids those in the same area.”
Richard said she hopes runners not only take away an awareness of who Woman’s New Life Center is but also the passion they have for their ministry.
“We hope people see Born to Run as an invitation to join our ministry, to join in a beautiful effort that helps and heals so many women,” Richard said.
Quintana said that she is grateful for the warm and open environment that is found at the Woman’s New Life Center.
“When I enter the doors of Women’s New Life Center, I truly feel a sense of peacefulness and goodness. It is awesome to be in such a life giving and loving place. The people who work there genuinely care about each and every person who walks in the door,” Quintana said. “As a woman, it’s an amazing feeling to know that people care that much. It’s a powerful place.”
Katie • May 2, 2015 at 5:48 pm
What a worthwhile organization to support… thank you for sharing about this event, Raquel!
Woman’s New Life Center gives each woman the support she needs to find her own voice, and to make a pregnancy decision that is true to who she is and to what she believes.
I’m excited to support such a pro-woman organization, and I hope that lots of Loyola students and fellow alum will be there, too!