Immigrant Workers and Homeowners Rally for Immigration Reform

(Left to Right) Sis. Rochelle Perrier, MSC, Sis. Kathleen Nealon, and Rev. Rachel Ringlaber show their appreciation for migrant workers. Speakers addressed the role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of New Orleans and the need for national comprehensive immigration reform. Photo credit: Zach Brien

Zach Brien

Immigrant workers, homeowners and community members gathered on the front lawn of Loyola University for a press conference and rally organized by Loyola’s Jesuit Social Research Institute and the Congress of Day Laborers. The event praised the role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of New Orleans after Katrina and the need for national immigration reform.

(Left to Right) Sis. Rochelle Perrier, MSC, Sis. Kathleen Nealon, and Rev. Rachel Ringlaber show their appreciation for migrant workers. Speakers addressed the role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of New Orleans and the need for national comprehensive immigration reform. Photo credit: Zach Brien
Rev. Fred Kammer, S.J., the Executive Director of the Jesuit Social Research Institute, introduces the speakers at the rally. Speakers addressed the role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of New Orleans and the need for national comprehensive immigration reform. Photo credit: Zach Brien
Santos Alvarado, member of the Congress of Day Laborers, addresses his concerns about government inaction with regards to immigration. Speakers addressed the role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of New Orleans and the need for national comprehensive immigration reform. Photo credit: Zach Brien
Michele Bergeron, a homeowner from New Orleans East and member of St. Gabriel the Archangel Church, talks about the integral role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of her church. Speakers addressed the role immigrant workers played in the rebuilding of New Orleans and the need for national comprehensive immigration reform. Photo credit: Zach Brien