Meet the Candidates: Elisa Diaz

Elisa Diaz is a political science junior running for SGA president. Her running mate is Gabrielle Henry. This will be Elisa’s first position in SGA.

Should the SGA meet regularly with the university president to present student concerns?
Absolutely. It is actually written in the bylaws that the president meets and provides reports for the student body, after meeting with the administration. I believe we must utilize the opportunity to talk to the administration to voice any concerns, rather than trying to work against them.

What kind of communication would you have with the student body about upcoming Board of Trustees meetings?
The SGA currently has an email where students can voice concerns or send emails to contact the president But why don’t we ever receive those emails? I would be more than happy to keep up communication with the SGA about university happenings. That is my purpose if elected.

In the event you’re elected SGA president, how will you get the student body’s input on who they think should compose your executive staff?
On our first day of campaigning, Gabby and I actually tabled with a suggestions board so we can have students express their biggest concerns. As president, my role is to advocate for our student body, and that is why I want to provide a transparent administration where any student can come to me with a concern and I can aid in a solution.

Should the SGA’s Court of Review or the Student Justice Board handle conduct cases involving organizations chartered by SGA?
I believe that the Student Justice Board should handle the conduct cases because they are a selected group of individuals who apply and go through an interview process with the intention to create a safer and more efficient conduct process for our students.  

Why are you running for SGA president?
To be honest, because I love Loyola, and because I believe in the potential of our students. I’ve seen the trust in our SGA decline and I know I can turn that around. I’m a huge believer that leadership makes a difference in every situation. I don’t need to come into this full-force trying to change everything, but I would rather ameliorate what is working and fix what is not.

What is your platform you are running on?
Improving communication, being transparent, responsive programming and marketing, having an SGA that is driven by the students and serving as an advocate for the students and ideals our university was founded on.

What do you hope to achieve as president, if elected?
I would love nothing more than if my senior class graduated and said that the SGA was present on campus, that we were trusted and that we actually helped. The most important thing a president can do is give life to the voice of who they represent. I want to help with the wifi situation, work with our administration on diversity support and figure out a compromise for the green space. I seek to leave Loyola better than I found it.

Why should students vote for you?
Because I am ready for the role. I don’t have any kind of agenda I’m pushing. I genuinely want to impact Loyola in a positive way. If any student needs a reason to vote, I urge them to come talk to me about anything. Why be a student representative if I’m not approachable? I would be honored to represent Loyola.