Meet the Candidates: Gabrielle Henry

Gabrielle Henry is an accounting junior running for vice president. She has previously served on SGA’s University Programming Board. Her running mate is Elisa Diaz.

Should there be freshmen senators with voting powers during the fall semester?
No, there should not be freshmen senators during the fall semester because First-Year Council gives freshmen the opportunity to learn about SGA and its processes. Then, freshmen would have the opportunity to run in the spring along with other candidates.

What are your thoughts about candidates for presidents and vice president being required to run as a ticket?
I think candidates being able to run on a ticket for president and vice president is a great idea. it gives the opportunity for two people to work together cohesively instead of potentially two people who might have never spoken to each other before. It makes the transition into office smoother when two people are on the same page from the beginning.

Should there be performance benchmarks in place for the senators so students can determine if they’re performing their duties well?Yes, it would provide a sense of accountability for the Senate.

What role should the vice president have in enforcing these benchmarks?
As the vice president of SGA, my largest role is to preside over the Senate. I want to have an efficient Senate that the student body respects and trusts. Without any benchmarks enforced, how will we assess our performance?

Why are you running for SGA vice president?
I am running for SGA vice president because I am determined that Ellie and I make sure we are an accurate voice for the student body. It is my goal to work toward better communication between students and SGA and rebuild trust!

What is your platform that you are running on?
Better communication between student body and SGA; transparency, so that students are always aware of what’s going on; responsive to students through office hours, email, communication, marketing, etc.; student-driven: decisions made are steered by students’ perspective and advocate for current issues on our campus, as well as other universities, (Mizzou for example).

What do you hope to achieve as vice president, if elected?
I hope to improve the Senate, motivate the senators to participate in positive initiatives; assist Ellie with whatever she may need; lead our student government in the right direction so students believe in our SGA again.   

Why should students vote for you?
Students should vote for me because there’s nothing about SGA that should be hidden. I want to help make Loyola a better place and I can do that with a student body that believes in SGA.