Meet the Candidates: Benjamin Schexnayder

Benjamin Schexnayder is a history junior who is running for the College of Arts and Sciences. He has held the position of senator previously.

What role do you think the Senate should have in determining how elections are run?
They should set the rules for how they are staged and appoint people to supervise it.

Should senators be required to hold bi-semester town halls with the constituents from their college?
Yes, but only one senator from each college does the town halls.

If a large portion of the student body thinks their senators aren’t representing them properly, what should the students do?
They should petition a recall of the senator, but only those in the senator’s college can petition through an amendment to the constitution

Why are you running for this position?
I feel that Loyola can be made better and that we need students to help in the effort.

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish as a senator for SGA?
I hope to study parking meter reform and study ways that the student body can be happier.

Why should students vote for you?
Because Benjamin knows how previous politicians have their careers ruined and he knows everything they did wrong.  

Is there anything else you would like to say about your campaign?
I promise to vote to approve all new clubs started by students that the SGA supports as long as they meet all the legal requirements for university clubs.