Meet the Candidates: Victoria Cinnater

Victoria Cinnater, biochemistry sophomore, is running to be a senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. She has not previously served on SGA.

What role do you think the Senate should have in determining how elections are run?
If any students have issues with a certain election procedure, they should contact their senator to relay the message.

Should senators be required to hold bi-semester town halls with the constituents from their college?
I do not necessarily feel as though it needs to be a requirement. It isn’t a bad idea to be in touch with constituents, but I think meetings can be called as issues arise.

If a large portion of the student body thinks their senators aren’t representing them properly, what should the students do?
I believe the students should contact their senators and voice their opinions. Senators are there to hear opinions and act as liaisons and should do such. If they are not doing this, even after being contacted by the students, the student should approach someone in a higher position about the issue.

Why are you running for this position?
I feel as though there is not much communication between SGA and the student body. The student body is mostly unaware of what is going on within SGA, and I would like to have a position so I can increase the awareness of SGA on campus.

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish as a senator for SGA?
I hope to be a voice for the students, not only a voice, but a voice that comes through and gets things accomplished. Many students will complain about issues, but never reach out to SGA to do something about it. I hope to build relationships where people feel they can approach me with issues and concerns.

Why should students vote for you?
I care about Loyola, and I want each student to have a pleasant experience here. It is so important to enjoy your college years, and issues that may get in the way of this. Issues that can be helped by SGA need to be dealt with and I believe I can help improve student life on campus. I am an extremely driven person; when I set my mind to something, I am going to put 110 percent into it. I think this is a great quality to have in a position like this.