Meet the Candidates: Margaret Adams

Margaret Adams, environmental science freshman, is running to be a senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. This will be her first position on SGA.

What role do you think the Senate should have in determining how elections are run?
They should be part of the election committee, run for elections, and help to ensure fair elections and that the opinions and wants of students are heard.

Should senators be required to hold bi-semester town halls with the constituents from their college?
Yes, it is good for receiving input and different opinions.

If a large portion of the student body thinks their senators aren’t representing them properly, what should the students do?
Students should be able to voice their opinion with reasons in a meeting and have the ability to re-elect a senator.

Why are you running for this position?
I am interested in the politics of Loyola. I want to be able to help the student body have a great experience while here and be a representative.

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish as a senator for SGA?
I would address any current issues in the school that students see and be more of a voice and representative.

Why should students vote for you?
I want to be the voice of students and for students to make changes for what they want.