Meet the Candidates: Paola Wollants

Paola Wollants is a political science freshman who is running to be a senator for the College of Arts and Sciences. This year, she was a part of the First-Year Council.

What role do you think the Senate should have in determining how elections are run?
SGA should be responsible in that the elections are fair and offers equal opportunities to the students who run for any position.
The Senate should be able to determine requirements that candidates should possess since they know best what the Senate needs in order to run to be run efficiently.

Should senators be required to hold bi-semester town halls with the constituents from their college?
Senators should hold town halls with the constituents to keep connected with them. That way, senators communicate with the constituents things they should know that happen around school that concerns them as well as senators should listen to the concerns of the constituents.

If a large portion of the student body thinks their senators aren’t representing them properly, what should the students do?
Students should attend town hall meetings and email the president of SGA.

Why are you running for this position?
I feel like there is not much connection between senators and students and I would like to change that. Also, as a Hispanic student, I feel like there is not much representation of the Hispanic community on campus so I would like to be the representative of our community.

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish as a senator for SGA?
As a senator for SGA, I would like to make sure that the concerns presented by my constituents are listened to. And that something is done about it in order for them to know that their opinions are being heard. I would also like to establish a Hispanic association in which Hispanic students can feel like they have a place with people like them.                                        

Why should students vote for you?
I feel that I’m a very approachable person, which would make it easy for students to talk about their concerns and know that I am someone who lends my voice for them and I would do anything possible to create change in the Loyola community.