Tetlow looks to continue Loyola’s Jesuit legacy

Justin Hieber

Photo credit: Justin Hieber

Anum Siddiqui

During a time of institutional and financial adjustments, Loyola University New Orleans’ new president Tania Tetlow will lead the university as its first female non-Jesuit president beginning in September of 2018, according to a campuswide email.

Tetlow currently carries the titles of senior vice president, chief of staff and professor of law at Tulane University. Throughout her career, Tetlow has shined a light on domestic violence issues through her work as an advocate and federal prosecutor and she has served on a variety of non-profit boards and city commissions, according to the email.

When asked how she feels about being the university’s first non-Jesuit president, Tetlow said, “In a word, humbled. It’s an incredible honor to be trusted with preserving the core Jesuit identity of the institution as a lay-person.”

Although Tetlow is not a member of the Jesuit order, she has been surrounded by Jesuit values her entire life, with her father having previously been a Jesuit and her uncle and great-uncle having served as Jesuits as well. Tetlow said that her commitment to an intimate knowledge of Jesuit traditions will help her lead Loyola.

“I’ve been raised with Jesuit values and steeped in Jesuit traditions. I was sung to sleep with Gregorian chants as a baby and my parents had private conversations at the dinner table in Latin. I will lead Loyola with a full understanding that Jesuit values are the core mission. That identity attracts our students, binds them together, and helps mold them into extraordinary people who change the world,” Tetlow said.

During the presidential search process, the board of trustees wanted to find the best candidate who had both a commitment to the university’s mission and a vision to bring Loyola the next level of success, and that person was Tetlow, according to Paul Pastorek, interim chief operating officer.

“Tania offered an unmatched vision and passion for the educational characteristics of our unique Jesuit ideals,” said Pastorek.

Loyola’s Student Government Association also feels honored to welcome Tetlow to Loyola as the university’s 17th and first non-Jesuit president, according to a statement by mass communication senior and Student Government Association chief of staff Fallon Chiasson.

“We fully believe that Tetlow’s past positions as Tulane’s senior vice president and chief of staff, experience with advocacy for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, and eagerness to immerse herself in the Loyola community will have the positive impact that Loyola’s students, faculty and staff deserve,” Chiasson said in the statement.

Tetlow said she understands that she is entering into the presidency during a period of finical instability and is committed to supporting Loyola and its community during this time.

“It is crucial to support a culture of transparency and accountability, with a broad input into the hard decisions we must make together. The entire community has worked very hard on this issue, and I have to express my gratitude to the sacrifices that have been made by so many,” Tetlow said.

In her new role as president, Tetlow said she is committed to listening to and learning from members of Loyola’s community in order to determine what the university does well and what changes need to be made

“I am committed to protecting and building upon our mission of providing an excellent student experience in the classroom, and our wonderfully diverse culture on our campus,” Tetlow said.

Despite Loyola’s financial hardships and attempts at institutional reorganization, Tetlow said she is eager to start her presidency.

“I am so excited to get to know the faculty, staff, students, and alumni who have made Loyola such a richly diverse and wonderful community,” Tetlow said. “Loyola is an extraordinary community and it means the world to me.”