Richardson and City announced as new SGA President and Vice President

Cristian Orellana

Freedom Richardson and Zontre City react to the announcement of winning the roles of SGA President and Vice President on Mar. 3.

Cody Downey

After an election with more candidates than the year prior, political science junior Freedom Richardson and digital filmmaking junior Zontre City were announced as the SGA President and Vice President for the 2020-2021 school year.

With this election, there was an increase in voters. According to SGA Chief of Justice Brandon Vincent, this election had 425 voters participate with last year receiving 90 voters.

Both were already members of SGA with Richardson serving as vice president and City serving as chief of staff.

Upon receiving the announcement of his win, Richardson said that he was overwhelmed.

“My campaign and I have worked incredibly hard to keep this about the issues and to keep it about the students, that it affects and matters the most,” he said.

Richardson said the first thing he is going to do is pray and mediate on what comes next.

“It has been a long campaign season,” he said. “I am so glad that it is over and that it come out favorably for our ticket.”

As he begins to step into his role as SGA president, Richardson said that he will begin doing cabinet interviews and reaching out to newly-elected staff in the coming days.

At the same meeting, SGA announced the senators for each college and senators-at-large.

College of Arts and Sciences

  • Asha Altemus

  • Sunderland Shands

  • Adelia Obioha

  • Gabriel Lesser

  • Mary Larson

  • Keanna Vincente

  • Samantha Sanchez

  • Maurkaila Bull

  • Vidal Amador-Flores III

College of Business

  • Patrice Roberts

  • Jean’Paul Phillips

College of Music and Media

  • Mayanna Semien

  • Gabriela Ocon

  • Mia Upshaw


  • Robert Morrison III

  • Brenda Valladares

  • Avery Tellam