Students will have option to make Spring semester courses pass/fail
University Provost Maria Calzada announced in an email that students would have the option to make all Spring 2020 courses pass/fail.
March 18, 2020
Undergraduate students, with the exception of registered nurse students, now have the option to switch some or all of their Spring 2020 courses to pass/fail courses.
Maria Calzada, interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, sent out an email to the faculty and students on March 18 detailing the new option in light of the switch to online-classes.
Calzada said the move to a pass/fail option does not change the course requirements but does allow students to focus on successfully completing a class without worrying about how the letter grade may impact GPA.
“Expanded access to the P/F grade mode aims to fulfill our mission of cura personalis or ‘care for the whole person,’ while still providing a pathway to fulfill program and degree requirements,” Calzada said in the email.
The deadline for students to switch their courses to the pass/fail option is April 26.
Calzada strongly recommended students consult with their advisor before making the choice. She suggested the pre-registration advising period is a good time to start the conversation.
A petition started by a Loyola student was making the rounds Tuesday, March 17. The petition implored the university to make all classes this semester pass/fail, though university officials were already in talks to implement the change.
“I am grateful to the faculty members who suggested this move to best support their students and grateful to be part of a community that is committed to putting students first,” Calzada said.