College of Music and Media adjunct diagnosed with COVID-19

Th Communcation/Music Complex sits in the rain on February 20, 2019. An adjunct in the college has been diagnosed with a confirmed case of COVID-19. Photo credit: Cristian Orellana

Erin Snodgrass

An adjunct in the College of Music and Media has officially been diagnosed with COVID-19, according to an email from University President Tania Tetlow.

Federal health privacy laws prohibit the publishing of the adjunct’s name, but Tetlow said the individual is feeling okay and is in good spirits while in isolation.

She also said the university has reached out to people who were in close contact with the adjunct.

“This is a reminder that we must all continue to be very careful, as we have significant community spread in New Orleans and in locations around the nation,” Tetlow said.

Moving forward, Tetlow said there are procedures in place to notify people who were in close contact with anyone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

She also reminded the community to report to Student Health Services or Human Resources if diagnosed with a presumptive or confirmed case of coronavirus.