Loyola to largely start online as two tropical storms approach the Gulf Coast

Photo credit: National Weather Service

Rae Walberg

Despite plans for an in-person start, most classes at Loyola will move online for the first week of the semester as two tropical storms, predicted to become Category 1 hurricanes, approach the Gulf Coast, planning to barrel through the Louisiana coastline early next week.

In an email sent out to students, University President Tania Tetlow cited that the National Weather Services’ latest forecast expects Tropical Storm Marco to make landfall in Southern Louisiana by noon on Monday as a “small, but strong tropical storm.” Tropical Storm Laura is anticipated to follow Marco and make landfall 48 hours later on Wednesday,

Potential flooding, rain and heavy winds from both storms have prompted the university to move the first week of classes to online.

“We are taking all necessary steps to protect our community and our campus,” Tetlow said.

The university encourages students to review the university’s hurricane preparedness website, gather supplies and make plans to prepare for the storms.

“Take time on Sunday to gather your supplies like bottled water and dry goods, be sure you have enough of your prescriptions, and have flashlights and batteries on hand,” Tetlow said.

According to Tetlow, the university has survived many storms and said it is “well-versed” in preparing for them.

“2020 has added its own special touch with two storms back to back, but we are more resilient than ever,” Tetlow said.