SGA approves new election code, passes mental health initiatives

Chloe Caudle

SGA confirmed a new senator, approved a new election code, passed mental health initiatives and heard from the First Year Council in its Oct. 21 meeting

Chief Justice Tyler Sanchez pitched cleaning up the current election code and the justices set out to reform the code in order to fix language and bring it up to date with the times. Changes include gender-neutral language and voter eligibility. It also cleared up who could be on the commission of elections and requires candidates to attend an informational event and a meet-and-greet prior to the event. The Senate approved the pitch.

Another initiative passed and pending approval by the provost would allow for excused absences in light of the mental health of students. The mental health initiative passed through senate would give students two excused absences for mental health per semester. The initiative is not yet activated, as SGA waits for the provost to approve the idea.

Alexis Horton was also confirmed as a new senator during the meeting. She hopes to make Greek life more active on campus and to focus on diversity and inclusion, especially in on-campus politics. She said she is excited for this opportunity and hopes to bring about change.

SGA also listened to updates from the First Year Council, which consists of first-year students that want to get involved in SGA. The council helps freshman prepare for potential involvement in SGA by building leadership skills. The council brought up their concerns which included Wi-Fi connectivity and diversity and inclusion initiatives. They said they hope active senators pick up some of the issues they proposed.

Vice President Zontre City said he wants the senate to pass more legislation like this in the future, and he’s hopeful they’ll make it happen.