Classes to go online as Tropical Storm Zeta nears

National Hurricane Center

Rae Walberg

Loyola will hold online classes tomorrow as Tropical Storm Zeta, which is expected to upgrade to a Category 1 hurricane, is expected to make landfall in New Orleans Wednesday afternoon.

Zeta is the 27th named storm of this hurricane season to develop in the Atlantic, and it’s the seventh time this year New Orleans has found itself in the cone of uncertainty, the range of estimated potential storm damage.

Dining services, the library and the University Sports Complex will be open until noon on Wednesday ahead of the storm. The College of Law will update students about class schedule changes and the presentation of Loyola’s annual report to staff will be rescheduled.

The university plans to resume all campus operations on Thursday morning, if on-campus power isn’t lost and storm damage is minimal, however, Loyola will update students by 7 a.m. on Thursday, according the email.