SGA approves new budget, votes in speaker of the senate

Photo credit: Maria Paula Marino

Chloe Caudle

The Student Government Association has approved a new budget for the fall 2021 semester after two weeks of debate.

This is the first time an SGA senate has tabled the budget to address it in another meeting in almost 10 years, according to President Freedom Richardson. The proposed budget ended up passing without any changes.

The organization also discussed defunding club sports but decided against it because club sports plans on getting new equipment.

The senate also chartered a new organization, The Meraki Literary Magazine. Abby Herberts and Ahnia Leary chartered the magazine and they are looking for people to submit visual works, short stories, poems, etc.

The senate also filled positions and voted in the first-ever speaker of the senate Brenda Valladares. Sophia Trang was also voted into the College of Arts and Sciences. As senator, Trang plans to revamp certain areas of campus and to make the OWLs system more accessible.

The next meeting for SGA will be Feb. 24.