LUPD publishes campus crime report

Sex offenses on Loyola’s campus peaked over the last few years at 13 in 2018. The campus Clery report was released last year with an update on on-campus crime. Photo credit: Mikayla Ferro

Brandon Tate

Sexual offenses, violence against women and drug-law violations continue to be lingering issues for campus police at Loyola.

The Loyola University Police Department released its 2019 Annual Safety and Security report last semester, and according to the annual report, which is required federally to be released, Loyola has reported no incidents of criminal homicide, robbery, aggravated-assault, motor-vehicle theft, or hate crimes for the third year in a row.

In 2019, there were two total reported incidents of sex offenses, down from thirteen in 2018. Of those sex offenses, two involved on-campus rape, down from seven in 2018, and zero involved fondling, down from six in 2018, according to the report.

There were also three incidents of dating violence, down from six in 2018 and six incidents of stalking, up from five in 2018. The university also reported 37 drug law violations, up from 17 in 2018.

While overall criminal activity on campus property remained almost even from the previous year, Chief of University Police and Emergency Management Todd Warren said that Loyola’s numbers remain low compared to the rest of the city.

“Loyola is located in one of the safest areas of New Orleans and this area of town has a large concentration of police and security,” Warren said.

The Loyola University Police Department, Tulane University’s Police Department and the New Orleans Police Department all patrol the areas around the university along with several private security companies that are hired by the neighborhoods, according to Warren.

Warren also said he doesn’t believe that drug use has actually increased, but rather that more violations were found.

“First, I believe the users are more blatant with their use on campus, and secondly I think the staff was more vigilant that year,” Warren said.

Of the 37 drug law violations, only one resulted in a criminal arrest and charges being filed, according to the report. The 36 remaining incidents were referred to university administrators for disciplinary action in accordance with the university’s student conduct policy.

Warren said it is unfortunate that sexual offenses continued to be a problem at Loyola.

“Unfortunately, this is a problem throughout society and it is engrained in our culture,” Warren said.

According to Warren, progress has been made over the years in dealing with these issues, but he said there’s still a lot of work to do.

“These crimes are about power and control over others and all the blame should be placed on the perpetrators,” Warren said.

Loyola regularly conducts educational programs in order to inform students and staff about sex crimes and safety on campus, according to Warren.

Warren also said that Loyola’s police department is working on strategies that will allow the university police department to respond better to the needs of sex abuse victims.