LORA self-service uses preferred names on all platforms

A Loyola sign sits bathed in sunlight outside Marquette Hall.

Artie Bennett, News Editor

Students will now be able to choose what name is displayed to faculty and staff using the new LORA self-service records system, according to an email from the Project LUCI system. Unlike the current LORA system, student’s chosen names will be the only names displayed to professors and on all or almost every profile, lookup, or roster screen, according to the email.

University faculty and staff will only see student’s chosen names, and therefore will be expected to communicate with students only using that name, the email said. As all names are presented identically in self-service, faculty and staff will not be shown whether a student’s name is birth or chosen, according to the email.

Student’s birth names will only be displayed on their personal profiles and will not be shown to any other user profiles, according to the email. Students can choose their names and pronouns in the LORA self-service system.