Residential Life shares options for extended living

Ashley Bobb Collins

Francis Family Hall. Ashlyn Bobb Collins/The Maroon.

Ava Acharya, News Editor

Although student residential halls will be closed from Dec. 16 to Jan. 15, students have the option to continue living in their residence halls during this time period, according to Jay Davis, Loyola’s associate director of residential life. This includes both later departure, after Dec. 16, and early arrival, before Jan. 15. 

However, no students will be allowed to stay in the residence halls past Dec. 19, according to a flier distributed by residential life.  

Residential life is only offering this service to students who are a part of an extended stay group, due to limited university resources, Davis said in an email addressed to Loyola faculty. This group includes graduating seniors and certain  international students, Davis said.

Although students will be charged $35 for every additional day that they stay in the residence halls, members of extended stay groups can possibly have a portion of these fees waived if they complete the extended stay request form before Dec. 7, according to Davis. Davis further clarified that completion of this form does not guarantee a student’s ability to stay in the residence halls for an extended period. 

Additionally, she said that students who choose to stay longer should “be prepared to be largely self-sufficient during their extended stay,” due to limited staff availability over the winter holidays. According to the request form, students will know whether or not their request has been approved by Dec. 12. 

For further assistance or information, students should contact