Words of wisdom from Loyola alumnae
November 13, 2014

Meet Briana Prevost
“Even before I graduated from Loyola, I started applying to jobs in my field. I quickly realized that for some positions I wanted, they required years and years of experience I didn’t have yet or an equivalency of a masters degree.
I always vowed not to let anything stand in the way of achieving my goals — especially something like higher education — which I always had plans of continuing past my initial undergraduate degree. So, after two years of full-time work within my field and two years of saving money, I applied to graduate school.
To my surprise, I was accepted into each program I applied to and decided to attend the Newhouse School because it allowed me to focus my learning within the specific industry of the arts I sought employment.
I graduated from Newhouse in 2013 with a slew of new skills, work experiences, and professional contacts that allowed me the opportunity to land my dream job working for VH1 at Viacom. For anyone deciding whether or not to spend the time and the money for grad school, I encourage you to make the best of every opportunity possible that you might not get otherwise. It’s a very personal experience, and you get out of it what you put in.”

Meet Kristen Lee
“French philosopher Denis Diderot says that “only passions, great passions can elevate the soul to great things.” Because attending law school requires commitment, only go to law school if it is YOUR PASSION.
But know that attending law school is a “lifestyle change,” so start preparing early. If you plan to attend law school directly after undergrad, I strongly recommend enrolling in an LSAT prep course in the spring of your junior year and sitting for the June administration of the LSAT. Also, begin working on your personal statement in the summer before your senior year. This allows you to begin applying to law schools as soon as the applications become available in the fall of your senior year. Applying early puts you in a better position receive available scholarships and grants.
Finally, when selecting a law school, it is important to find a school where you will be comfortable learning. Also, consider attending school in the area in which you intend to practice law; you will have better opportunities to network throughout all three years of law school.”

at LSU
Meet Liz Stuart Centanni
“I had been attracted to the idea of a higher degree since I was in undergrad at Loyola and wanted a useful master’s degree focusing on something I enjoyed studying. During my time as a local government reporter, I discovered I had a keen interest in how government and the nonprofit sector played into a person’s quality of life, thus I found myself strongly drawn to a Master in Public Administration program. I often found I had to bite my tongue as a reporter to avoid offering ideas to the politicians and government officials I interviewed, to maintain my distance as a journalist.
I was attracted to the versatility of a MPA, which is applicable in many jobs in government. Each class has given me a wealth of information and new skills I can use when dealing with budgets, program evaluation, organizational behavior and ethics.
My advice to anyone contemplating graduate school would be to focus on what they are genuinely curious about and to take statistics courses.”

Meet Ysabel Wright
“I knew the quality of education that I wanted and the type of environment I wanted to be in. My education at Loyola was the best, and I loved the location; right in the heart of the Garden District with lots of thing to do, culturally rich and diverse. Ross University is on the island of St. Kitts, and is a new experience of culture and diversity. I recommend researching a few graduate programs and choosing a school and location that you believe is a good fit for both your learning style, as well as your lifestyle.
You will need references and letters of recommendation, so spend time with your professors so they can serve as mentors for you and may present you as “highly recommended” to your school of choice.
Don’t buy into the excuse, “I’m just a poor test taker.” Prepare for your GRE or other required tests throughout your years at Loyola. Take advantage of resources available to help you do well on the test, such as The Princeton Review and Kaplan. I seriously recommend taking advantage of those resources. Also, visit the career center and prepare for your interviews so that you are ready to properly present yourself.”