Belize Summer Camp celebrates 25 years
Brendan Dodd, management senior, poses with children during the summer 2015 Iggy Vols trip in Dagriga, Belize. The volunteers spent their time teaching children and learning about the culture
August 28, 2015
UPDATED on 8-28-15 at 12:50 p.m.
During the 25th anniversary of the Belize Summer Camp, the Ignacio Volunteers went on a service trip to a town called Dangriga from July 20 to Aug.11.
While there, the volunteers taught arts and crafts, sports and gave creative lessons to a camp of primary school students. They were also given the opportunity to learn about the culture and the political, sociological and economic issues that occur in the Caribbean and its developing countries.
The Belize Summer Camp was started in 1990 by Ted Dziak, S.J., university chaplain, and has been held 22 times in the past 25 years. Dziak said like all camps, this one was unique in its own way.
“It is a strong cultural city of 6,000 with great music and amazing food. Any time a student immerses themselves in the cultural differences and similarities of a country, a unique experience occurs,” Dziak said.
Madeline Janney, psychology senior and team leader for the trip said she had an amazing experience as a volunteer.
“This summer we celebrated the 25th anniversary of the summer camp. We are so thankful for our time in Dangriga, and the relationships that have been built throughout the years are incredibly valuable,” Janney said.
Janney was one of two team leaders of the camp this summer, serving as the link between staff and volunteers, along with Brendan Dodd, marketing senior.
“I thought this trip was great. Our group of volunteers created an amazing community and the co-teachers we worked with were amazing to be around with as well,” Dodd said.
He also added that being a team leader this year was a completely different experience than he had the previous year.
“It was such a humbling experience to teach in Dangriga and to see volunteers who you trained for a semester just go in and do an outstanding job at teaching. That was really awesome,” Dodd said.
Heather Malveaux, coordinator of the Ignacio Volunteers immersion programs, said that Iggy Vols has added another trip to South Africa for the upcoming year.
“We are working with limited resources, so since we have the opportunity to visit a country such as South Africa, in the future we will explore if we can alternate trips,” Malveaux said.