Meet the Candidates: Justin Blackstone

Justin Blackstone is a digital filmmaking freshman running to be a senator at large. This will be his first position on SGA.

What role do you think the Senate should have in determining how elections are run?
They should have the responsibility of making sure elections are run fairly and impartially. Students should have their own platforms, while SGA makes sure they follow guidelines.

Should senators be required to hold bi-semester town halls with the constituents from their college?
I believe it would be beneficial for colleges to meet up and discuss things together. This would also be a good networking strategy.

If a large portion of the student body thinks their senators aren’t representing them properly, what should the students do?
The students should have the authority to approach SGA about their elected leader and discuss solutions to the conflict.

Why are you running for this position?
I participated in a lot of student government in high school. being a significant part in my community has always been something important to me. I believe with my experience, I am well-suited for my position and will do my best by my fellow students.

If elected, what do you hope to accomplish as a senator for SGA?
I hope to get students more involved in community service-oriented projects. I believe that this will give people a better appreciation for their community and the city of New Orleans.

Why should students vote for you?
Students should vote for me because my overall goal is to enhance the Loyola experience. I’m a determined, hard-working guy with the intention of bringing the Loyola community closer together.

Is there anything else you would like to say about your campaign?
SGA and student leadership has always been important to me. It has helped instill confidence in myself, and also a love for school and community.