Trump supporters and opposition in the Latino community

Zayn Abidin and Valeria Kawas

Donald Trump has hurled insults at the Latino community on and off again, throughout his presidential campaign and those derogatory remarks seem to have created a division within the community.

There are some Latinos who are still in support of the GOP frontrunner despite of him branding most of the Latino immigrants, more specifically Mexicans, as “criminals” and “rapists.” And then there are those who are in the opposition and openly condemn Trump.

At a recent Trump rally, held at the Lakefront Airport, that divide was more than evident as inside the premises, where the rally was being held, there were several Latinos holding up signs and banners showing support of Trump. And outside the airport, many Latinos were gathered to protest against him, with banners and chants that denounced him as “cruel” and “malicious” human being.

Yolanda Cryns, a Trump supporter, said that Trump is the only candidate who can turn this country around for the better. And added that she fully agrees with his stance on deporting 11 million immigrants, if he becomes president.

“I mean, my heart hurts for those people, because I know they’re poor and they’re trying to make a living but you just have to follow the rules, I’m sorry,” Cryns said.

Nadia Salazar Sandi, campaigns coordinator for Vayla New Orleans, a multi-racial organization thatempowers youth and families through support services, launched a protest outside the rally premises.

“We are a youth led, non-profit organization and our youth know that Trump is a threat to our community, a representation of hate and he was coming to our home, so we decided to disrupt it,” Sandi said.

She further added that one of the biggest issues that much of the Latino community sees right now, along with deportation is, Donald Trump.

“Some of the things is that we want everyone to understand is the hate, racism and the systemic racism that continue to persist in this country, being represented in Donald Trump,” Sandi said.

Although most of the Latino community has already picked a side, there are a few people who are unsure about whether or not they are going to support Trump.

Pablo Gutierrez, who labels himself a republican, happens to be one of them.

“I haven’t made a decision yet, so that’s why I’m here, to listen to Trump and see what he has to say. I want to make sure I make the right decision on the day that I go vote,” Gutierrez said.

On the subject of Trump wanting to deport 11 million immigrants, Gutierrez said that he feels that Trump has the every right to say those things.

“The frontiers of this country are not controlled, and that is why we have problems with terrorists and illegal immigration and the government does not take care of them,” Gutierrez said.