President Tetlow addresses the Loyola community

Jc Canicosa

Since being named Loyola University’s first female, non-Jesuit president, Tania Tetlow addressed the Loyola community for the first time at the President’s Convocation in Roussell Hall on August 13.

Tetlow referenced Loyola’s recovery from a period of financial instability and said her presidency is the beginning of a new era.

“We come together at a crucial moment for Loyola. A time to shift from thinking about survival to dreaming big about our future,” Tetlow said. “A time to regroup and focus on mission. And this is our turning point—our moment to do right by the institution that we love so much.”

Tetlow was selected as Loyola 17th president after Rev. Kevin Wildes stepped down and a months-long search for a successor.

Tetlow spoke about the potential future of Loyola, addressing some of the university’s recent history as a toxic mix of bad luck and bad decisions while also praising and acknowledging the Loyola community for doing their part in collectively turning around the university.

“This is what you don’t want. You don’t want me on my very first day posing a cookie-cutter vision of what I think Loyola should be,” Tetlow said. “I have so many ideas, but we are only going to find the right solutions together.”

Watch her whole speech on our Facebook page.