How to slay Halloween in New Orleans
‘Femme Fatal(e)’ skeleton at “The Skeleton House” on St. Charles Ave. Vanessa advises everyone to stay safe on Halloween. Photo credit: Hannah Renton
October 27, 2018
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays for many spooky and not so spooky reasons. Who doesn’t love playing dress up?
Halloween gives me the excuse not to be just Vanessa for the night. Being just Vanessa definitely is not a problem but, sometimes a girl wants to be Britney Spears for the night. I have been an array of different personas for Halloween in my lifetime such as Michael Jackson, a cheerleader, an 80’s dancer (leg warmers are an amazing invention to keep you warm and cute in colder places like my hometown of Boston) and much more.
However, there is much more to Halloween. As I have grown older I have come to realize the reality of Halloween and how to survive the night searching for candy or going through haunted houses. It can get pretty tiring, especially now that I have officially become a grandma, or dare I say, glamma, in a 21-year-old’s body.
Here are my tips and tricks on how to stay prepared for Halloween:
- Stay hydrated! It is not cute being dehydrated. Who likes feeling dizzy and queasy? Not me. Carrying a water bottle is handy. Plus, you need to wash down all that candy somehow.
- Bring a scrunchie! I am telling you, you will not regret it. Throw that hair up into a high pony and slay the night with this New Orleans humidity. Remember: A high ponytail is an iconic ponytail.
- Invest in a portable charger! Halloween can be a long night, just saying. You have to keep in touch with friends just to make sure someone doesn’t get lost along the way.
- Make sure you test Halloween makeup before! We definitely do not want allergic reactions when it’s go-time. Glitter makes everything better but not if it causes an allergic reaction. A tragic story featuring me and CVS glitter. That’s all I’m going to say.
- Don’t forget you have a phone flashlight and when in doubt, use it! I know it’s Halloween, but do you actually want to live in a scary movie? I can’t relate. I like feeling safe and sound.
Halloween is about being socially spooky, safe and sensitive towards other people’s triggers. Stay sweet, Wolf Pack!