New parking policies bring aggressive change

Michael Bauer

Cars in the Freret Street parking garage back into spaces despite new parking policies. Backing into a space will now lead to a citation from LUPD. Photo credit: Michael Bauer

Emma Ruby

Loyola students who park on campus and have gotten away with not registering their car in the past, be wary.

According to Todd Warren, director of university police and emergency management, LUPD has not only changed their parking policy, but will be more aggressive than ever before in enforcing those rules.

The old parking system, which relied on students purchasing physical parking decals, broke down last year, leading LUPD to invest in a new program that registers cars by their license plates, Warren said.

“Your license plate is your permit,” Warren said. “The marking vehicle we have has two license plate reader cameras on it, and we go through the garage and it picks up on each one. If you’re not registered, it tells them and then they can get out and write a ticket or put a boot on it.”

Since the new parking policy relies on a license plate scanner, backing into spaces will no longer be allowed in any campus parking locations, a change Warren anticipates will take some time for students to get used to.

“There are only a few states that use front license plates,” Warren said. “If we see it, that’ll be an automatic citation by itself. Even if they’re registered, they’ll get a citation for backing in.”

Ethan Riggs, finance sophomore, dislikes that he will no longer be allowed to back into a spot.

“I think it’s really inconvenient for drivers, especially if you drive a car or truck the size I do,” Riggs said. “

Warren also said that because the system is more efficient than the old one, students should prepare for security to crack down on the rules.

“Enforcement will certainly seem much more aggressive,” he said.

Other changes brought on by the system are an increase in parking space accessible to the public, and a higher citation fee for violators.

The new system pairs with the park mobile app, which allows users to virtually pay for parking. The fifth, sixth and seventh floors of the West Road parking garage will be considered public parking, payable by the app. After 5 p.m., the entire garage will be public access, Warren said.

Warren said paying for parking through the app could also be beneficial for students who do not often have cars on campus.

Citations have been raised from the $20 that has been charged in years past to $50. Warren said he hopes the spike encourages students to register their cars with the university.

“When I ran the numbers I found a significant number of commuters and residents that were not registered and that’s problematic,” Warren said.