Editorial: The Battle of Christmas Celebrations

Photo credit: Storm Wells

Gabriela Carballo and JC Canicosa

For this week’s editorial, the Editorial Board could not come to a consesus on the subject. Therefore, two editorials are running representing the split opinions of the staff.

Christmastime is worth waiting for

JC Canicosa

All of us (who are invested in this argument) can agree Christmastime is a very special time of the year. Bells and holly decorate seemingly every street corner. Festive lights illuminate the darkness. The smell of pine and freshly baked cookies fills the homes of many. Just about every Christmas special, song and movie you see is about loving and being kind to one another and appreciating every second of it. The list goes on.

It’s a time tied directly to nostalgia and childlike wonder. Christmas makes you feel like a kid again. And because of that, Christmas festivities shouldn’t be celebrated until at least after Thanksgiving.

Think about it like this: If we started blasting “All I Want for Christmas is You” and “Mistletoe” the day the calendar hit Nov. 1, then we would be in Christmastime for two whole months. That’s two whole months of every year — dedicated entirely to celebrating Christmas. Compare that to starting festive celebrations after Thanksgiving, or better yet, Dec. 1 — and that’s a much more cherishable one month of every year dedicated to celebrating Christmas. Not to mention, allowing Christmastime to overtake November completely overshadows any celebration of Thanksgiving and the fall season.

Christmastime is treasured by many, and many college students love how Christmas makes us feel like a kid. A kid who isn’t worried about school or rent or being an adult, but only concerned about eating cookies and watching Christmas specials and warming up next to a fire and hot chocolate. But if these festivities and traditions are celebrated for two whole months of every year, they become less special. So to retain those warm, fuzzy feelings of childlike wonder and nostalgia, we should celebrate them for a more finite amount of time.

Compare this to when your parents would make you wait until after dinner for ice cream or cookies, but the waiting seemed to make the dessert taste that much better. In this consumerist world of instant gratification and Netflix-oriented binge-watching, we’ve forgotten that the best things in life are worth waiting for. And the amazing nostalgic feelings and childlike awe tied to Christmastime are definitely worth waiting for.


Don’t rain on my Christmas Parade

Gabriela Carballo

It’s that time of year again. Halloween has come and gone, and Negative Nancys have officially come out of the shadows to tell people to turn off their Christmas music. Yes, you know those people that go on and on about how we need to wait until after Thanksgiving to start the Christmas celebrations, and you may be one of them.

There is a strong feeling held by a particularly loud group that people need to wait until after Thanksgiving to start official Christmas celebrations. Whether it be because they quickly get tired of the music and decorations, or they don’t like the erasure of Thanksgiving, they vehemently argue that Christmas is not to be celebrated until Nov. 29 this year, the day after Thanksgiving. Nov. 29! That leaves only 26 days for holiday cheer.

The holiday season is the best season, so why constrict the joy and spirit of our favorite time of the year to less than a month? We must normalize the November celebration of winter holidays.

The Christmas season brings about new music, food, gifts and overall merriment with people you care about. People come together and celebrate in the holiday fun. Houses get brighter as smiles get wider. The season is different for all, and celebrated differently by all, but it’s simply a jolly time of year.

And clearly the masses love it. The never-ending Christmas tunes follow you wherever you go, and Christmas-themed items line the aisles of stores, sometimes even in October. Television commercials gradually take a festive turn, Christmas movie marathons take over cable networks weeks before Thanksgiving. Companies don’t do this to hear people’s complaints to wait post-turkey day. They do this because most people love Christmas and want to start buying earlier, to be able to celebrate earlier.

A lot of us college students don’t have the chance to go home for Thanksgiving. Whether it be due to the price of transportation, the length of the vacation time or a number of other reasons, the opportunities just aren’t there for everyone. So for some of us, Christmas is the only holiday that we get to celebrate with our families.

ALSO, Thanksgiving is only celebrated in the United States. Not even getting into the fact that it falsely celebrates colonization, Thanksgiving is irrelevant to most of society. Numerous amounts of people’s next major holiday IS Christmas. So it makes sense to start up the festivities already!

The fact of the matter is that Christmas makes people happy, so let them be happy longer. If someone gets joy doing something, why rain on their parade? People like Christmas because it brings a spark of joy and happiness to their day-to-day lives. And science supports this! Psychoanalysts have determined that people who start Christmas celebrations earlier are generally happier, according to Business Insider. Getting into the Christmas spirit after Halloween instead of waiting until after Th*******ing can literally increase your happiness. Who doesn’t want to be happier?