Opinion: Everyone should geaux Greek

Photo courtesy of Aly Clouse.

Jc Canicosa

By: Aly Clouse

Everyone has seen the way that the media and films portray sorority and fraternity life negatively painting an image in people’s heads of organizations that revolve around utter superficiality and one drink too many. These stereotypes, however, are not fitting with the reality of Greek life and what it means to each and every person who is involved in it at Loyola.

Before coming to Loyola University as a first year student, I was very uncertain of what to expect.

Change was something that was unavoidable and undeniable. I was seeking the chance to become involved in my community and what I believe in, as well as meet people who I could call forever friends along the way. When I realized that Loyola offered Greek life organizations, I was beyond ecstatic.

I decided to go through the recruitment process, and on bid day, I happily ran home to my sisters in Alpha Chi Omega. I can wholeheartedly say that there is not a thing I would change.

Through Alpha Chi Omega, I have met many diverse and unique girls, each beautiful and so undeniably themselves. My sisters are from all around the world, and yet, my entire chapter is considered to me as family.

In my humble opinion, it is incredible to me that because I am a part of Alpha Chi, I — a girl from a small town in southern Louisiana — am able to call girls from Chicago, Miami, and all the way from Venezuela my sisters.

It is amazing the people that Greek life can bring together and even further so the bonds that these organizations can create.

Beyond the bonding, philanthropy is a very important factor to take into account when going Greek as well. Essentially, a sorority or fraternity’s philanthropy is a charity, fundraiser, or cause that the organization supports. Each chapter’s philanthropy is different and individualized to fit that chapter’s beliefs. Going Greek and utilizing teamwork to work passionately towards a common goal alongside sisters and brothers is an excellent way to become more involved in the community.

For example, Alpha Chi Omega’s philanthropy is domestic violence awareness. This is a cause that our sisters passionately bring to light while helping others recognize true, healthy relationships and how to build them.

Within myself and each and every member of Greek life, philanthropy builds strength, teamwork skills, motivation and ambition, and the fervid fire to do right in the world. Philanthropy is a beautiful way to give back and make worldly differences, however big or small they may be.

Everyone has seen the way that the media and films stereotypically depict sorority and fraternity life, but as a new member of a sorority myself, I can confidently dismiss all the negativity that may surround it. Greek life is taking a stand and raising awareness for a particular cause that is unique to each and every chapter.

It is the opportunity to establish connections with fellow alumni in the workforce or generally speaking in life itself. It is immersing oneself in a support system of sisters and brothers who long to see one another succeed and utilize teamwork and accountability to ensure that success.

It is friendship through the best times as well as the worst times.

Joining Greek life is becoming a part of something bigger than oneself and to put simply, an amazing opportunity that everyone should partake in.