Free public transit passes offered to students

A not in service streetcar speeds by on St Charles Avenue. Loyola’s Department of Student Life and Ministry is now providing jazzy passes for the streetcar. Photo credit: Cristian Orellana

Shamaria Bell

Available for all students but meant for those in need, the Department of Student Life and Ministry is offering free one-day Jazzy Passes.

Coordinator of Campus Recreation Daniel Harris said the main goal of the program is to “try to alleviate the stress of getting to and from school and/or internships.” He also said that most students are enrolled in classes as well as other organizations, and if “we can help take the stress of transportation off their plates, even a little bit, it’s well worth it.”

The passes are provided through the Student Life and Ministry office as well as funding from the Rev. Justin Daffron, S.J., the vice president for Mission and Identity. The inspiration for the initiative came from asking students for their wants and needs, and the Office of Student Life and Ministry saw a great amount of students asking for access to Jazzy Passes.

“That would be helpful. I think a lot more students commute than we think, mostly for work and stuff,” said English writing senior Sharisse Ferrer. “I don’t use public transport [in New Orleans] but I would be more inclined to do so with that service.”

Music industry sophomore Cyrus Burns said it could help commuter students’ attendance. “It would cause less students to be late or miss classes,” he said.

Some students feel that this will help alleviate the financial pressures many face.

“Considering we pay so much money, it will make it easier for people,” criminal justice senior Raina Stitt said. “It’s the little things that count.”

If students or faculty want to pick up a pass, they can stop by the Department of Student Life and Ministry located at the bottom of the Danna Student Center or Bobet 104 to talk to Daniel Harris or Administrative Assistant for the Department of University Ministry Stacy Lewis-Goins. There is no limit to how many passes students can get, but Harris and Lewis-Goins said that students should contact them if they have ongoing transportation issues.