Paige Stevenson/NCognita
Los Angeles native Paige Stevenson, also known as NCognita, grew up admiring her father, who was both a pastor and writer. As a young girl, Stevenson started to venture into the world of poetry, beginning to write herself in second grade. After being inspired by J. Cole’s hit song “Power Trip”, her passion for writing evolved into a desire to rap. Now a freshman, the poet/rapper proves her originality through various singles available on SoundCloud and YouTube. While she loves writing and music, Stevenson said she tries to keep away from the artist scene in an effort to avoid too much attention, and said she prefers to remain behind the scenes, hoping to one day be a ghostwriter or possibly a feature artist.
Refusing to conform to society’s standards, NCognita’s content is explicitly honest, raw and ambitious. Written with passion and emotion, her singles include “ORTHODOX” and “Doo Wop,” and are easy to get lost in. Aside from its release as a single, “ORTHODOX” can be found as a music video on YouTube with impressive visuals and a story that adds new meaning behind the lyrics.
Josh Stearns/JDVST
While music genres may be subjective to individuals, Loyola freshman Josh Stearns, or JDVST, creates content that music listeners of all types can enjoy. After learning to play the saxophone in fourth grade band class, Stearns was recording himself behind the microphone within two years after discovering just how therapeutic music could be. The Washington, D.C. born artist hopes to continue performing in order to reach a larger crowd and wishes to help others through his music.
Available on all streaming services, JDVST’s songs can be described as falling into various styles of music, including alternative rock, synthetic pop and R&B. With nearly 1,300 monthly listeners on Spotify, the artist’s self-recorded songs get better with repeated play and prove to be a rousing showcase of his talent. Made up of mellow melodies and electronic beats, songs like “White Bih” and “Instead” are relaxing while at the same time exhilarating and full of relatable lyrics.

Jacob Britton/Draco Slugg
Growing up the middle child of five siblings in St. Louis, Missouri, Jacob Britton spent his childhood days rapping with his younger brother who wished to make a career out of it someday. After realizing he also had a way with words, Britton began to take the hobby seriously in his early teen years, promising himself to pursue it after high school. Known today by his artist name Draco Slugg, the artist expresses his thoughts and feelings through music that can be found on Soundcloud. He hopes to flourish in his rapping career while motivating those around him.
Aside from performing at various concerts and parties in New Orleans, the rapper has gained admiration from listeners through Spotify, where his single “Drunk Consent” has over 1,400 plays. His upbeat, fast-paced songs are feel-good and ideal to listen to during a fun night out. Through his meaningful lyrics, it is clear the rapper has found an escape and is able to openly express his feelings to the microphone.