University to offer prorated refunds, credits for housing, meal plans

Groups of students wait for the C Store on March 11, 2020 after classes were moved online. Loyola announced Wolfbucks will roll over for the Fall semester. Photo credit: Cristian Orellana

Erin Snodgrass

Students who lived on-campus or had meal plans will be eligible for prorated refunds and credits, according to an email sent to students by Sarah Kelly, senior vice president for enrollment management and student affairs.

Kelly said the university is in the process of posting prorated room credits to accounts of students who lived on campus. The credit amount is based on the last day of the week the student officially moved out of campus housing. Many students moved out the week of March 16, when President Tetlow first announced classes would move online, while others moved out the week of March 23 after limitations on students staying in dorms were restricted.

According to Kelly, the amount will be applied to any remaining balance owed for the 2019-20 academic year. For students who do not owe a balance, the credit will be applied to students’ Fall 2020 semester bill.

Seniors who do not owe a balance will automatically receive a refund to the address on record.

Students who would prefer a refund over a credit can request one on LORA.

The university is also posting prorated meal plan credits to student accounts. Those credits are also based on the last day a student checked out of campus housing. Commuter student refunds are based on the remaining balance as of March 16, 2020.

The email also said any remaining Wolfbucks will automatically roll over to the fall semester, but will need to be used by December 31, 2020. Graduating seniors with remaining Wolfbucks are eligible for refunds.

Many students rushed to spend their remaining Wolfbucks their final week on campus, believing that the university would not be refunding students for unused Wolfbucks. The FAQ webpage initially said the university would not be refunding meal plans or Wolfbucks.

The university will also be issuing prorated credits for parking fees. Those credits will be posted to student accounts.

Kelly also said credits will appear as they are posted over the next two weeks and may not appear all at one.

Additional questions can be answered on Loyola’s website.