Biever hall residents fined for vandalism

Maroon file photo.

Macie Batson, Editor in Chief

Students who reside in Biever Hall are being fined for vandalism and graffiti found in the stairwells, according to an email sent by interim community director of Biever Hall Aaron Johnson.The email said that the vandalism occurred during the Mardi Gras holiday, and that Biever Hall will be fined for the cost of cleaning and painting the walls after the graffiti’s removal.

The fine is being split $10 per resident.

It was not specified what was inscribed, but Johnson said in the email that he was saddened by the phrase that was graffitied in the stairwell.

“I thought that the culture and community that was established early on this academic year were rooted in togetherness and sense of purpose,” he wrote. “I hope that we can return to that sense of purpose that was originally established and strive to be a community for all.”