Biever residents charged for vandalism

Torrie Shuff

A fresh coat of paint was rolled over the graffiti that once read “Fuck ResLife” and can still lightly be seen. Community Director Aaron Johnson sent an email to Biever Hall residents stating that there would be a $10 charge per student.

Macie Batson, Editor in Chief

It sounds like the set up for a bad party joke: how many fines does it take to cover up some Sharpie on a wall? Still, that is the question being asked throughout Biever Hall following a mass fine handed out following a profane anti-Res Life graffiti incident this semester.

Students like Loyola criminology freshman Sawyer Castle are struggling to understand why Residential Life needed to collect an estimated $3,000 to cover up what Castle said was “Sharpie on a non-brick wall.”

The charge was split between more than 300 students living in the dorm to cover the costs of cleaning and painting, according to an email sent by Loyola Community Director Aaron Johnson.

“None of my hallmates or friends are surprised by this inconsiderate use of our money and treatment of the residents,” Castle said. “Where is the rest of the money going?”

Castle said she and her hallmates were enraged and also confused as to why everyone was being charged when there was a record of who stayed on campus during the break.

Abby Robbins, a Loyola freshman and film major, said she felt confused as well because she wasn’t at Loyola for most of the holiday, and knew many other people who were also gone.

“I’d like a report of how much they spent exactly to fix the stairwell because that feels like some extra money Loyola is pocketing,” she said.

She added that $10 per resident felt like too much and she felt frustrated the vandalism took precedence over other issues Biever Hall has.

“There is mold on our bathroom ceilings, and my room has more paint chips than actual paint,” she said. “I love going to school here, but honestly, we are better than this.”

Castle also said she believes Residential Life has not been considerate of students’ finances and well-being, citing a security fee for residents she believes should go toward things like fixing the security cameras and staffing the front desk.

While Castle didn’t see it in person, she later saw a Snapchat picture of the graffiti that read, ‘Fuck Reslife.’ She said her resident assistant told her the phrase was something “really bad,” and after reading the email sent out to residents, she expected it to be something abominable like a hate symbol.

“Come to learn that ‘Fuck ResLife’ was written. Perhaps they ought to consider this feedback, a poor form of it but truly a reflection of how the residents are feeling after only six months here,” Castle said.

In his email to students, Johnson wrote that he was “truly saddened” by the phrase in the stairwell.

“I thought that the culture and community that was established early on this academic year were rooted in togetherness and sense of purpose,” he wrote. “I hope that we can return to that sense of purpose that was originally established and strive to be a community for all.”

He said his North Star will always be directed toward student growth and development. As a result of the incident, he said he aims to be more intentional with his interactions with Biever Hall residents.

Residential Life declined to comment before the publication of this article.