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Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Since 1923 • For a greater Loyola

The Maroon

Church has grown with Loyola

WADNER PIERRE The Maroon April 19, 2012

What many may not realize about Loyola's centennial is that the university might not have existed were it not for the Holy Name of Jesus Church. In 1886, a Jesuit priest, the Rev. John O'Shanahan, S.J.,...

Alice V. Clark Religious Reflections

Church music debate may be important

What types of music are appropriate for worship? Many people have firm opinions on the subject, and the new Roman Catholic Missal may lead to a further wave of debate. The developments of the Second Vatican...

Church gives home to AIDS victims

Katie Duffy April 13, 2012

Robert had no job, no money, no home, and he was fatally ill. He was soon to be released from Charity Hospital and had nowhere to go. Robert has acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The Rev. Robert Pawell,...

Women as Priests? Vatican won’t budge on holy edict

Cathy Baroco April 13, 2012

Construction workers, stock car drivers, politicians, media correspondents, doctors, lawyers, pilots: all these occupations at one time were seen as naturally and necessarily male, and women have conquered...

Abortion argument lingers on campus

Karl Gommel Staff Writer April 13, 2012

The debate on abortion on Loyola's campus stretches back well over the past few decades.  On Nov. 7, 1985, Loyola hosted a debate on abortion rights. The two debaters were Phyllis Schlafly, founder...

Abortion argument lingers on campus

The debate on abortion on Loyola's campus stretches back well over the past few decades.  On Nov. 7, 1985, Loyola hosted a debate on abortion rights. The two debaters were Phyllis Schlafly, founder...

Church gives home to AIDS victims

Katie Duffy April 12, 2012

Robert had no job, no money, no home, and he was fatally ill. He was soon to be released from Charity Hospital and had nowhere to go. Robert has acquired immune deficiency syndrome. The Rev. Robert Pawell,...

The Rev. Harold Cohen

‘Satan’ visits Buddig Hall?

Vicki Calloum April 12, 2012

Two Loyola co-eds were confronted with a series of bizarre happenings long before "The Exorcist" focused attention on the horrors of demonic influence. And, in 1968, a priest was called to perform a minor...

Women as Priests? Vatican won’t budge on holy edict

Cathy Baroco April 12, 2012

Construction workers, stock car drivers, politicians, media correspondents, doctors, lawyers, pilots: all these occupations at one time were seen as naturally and necessarily male, and women have conquered...

Homosexuality remains controversial

Homosexual sex is the sad consequence of rejecting God. This was the statement released by the Catholic Church in its 1976 "Declaration On Certain Questions Concerning Sexual out." Loyola's Director of...

Brief: Tobacco sacred to Lakota religion

Maroon Staff March 30, 2012

SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) - A Lakota traditional healer is arguing that tobacco is an integral part of Native American religious ceremonies and denying its use is akin to taking away the Bible from a Christian. Richard...

Brief: Louisiana church to restore bells

Maroon Staff March 30, 2012

NEW IBERIA, La. (AP) - Since the first majestic bell was installed in 1850, the bells in St. Martin de Tours Catholic Church have pealed joy, sorrow and solemnity throughout the historic community of...

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