Bob Thomas, professor and director for Center for Environmental Communication, has become the new university senate chairman.
Thomas said he stepped into this role after Jon Altschul, previous chairman of the senate, died in February. The April 14 senate meeting was Thomas’ first meeting as chairman.
“I was elected by the senate as vice chairman and I took over after Jon passed. It’s big shoes to fill, he was a great guy and worked diligently. It’s one of the biggest jobs on campus, you’re administering a process that results in policy decisions that come from the faculty that go to administration. The senate has to approve certain things and it’s a big job and I’m only going to have it for three months. I’m not going to be the chairman next year,” Thomas said.
Thomas discussed his relationship with senators, and his duties as the new chairman.
“It’s really meaningful because you’re speaking to groups that you may not have had contact with. One of the things I love about the faculty senate is the ability to hear what the faculty has on there minds. The floor is open to everyone and everyone is equal in there. I ran a lot of boards and what I’ve always tried to do is to be open to other peoples opinions, I like to see us make decisions and move forward,” Thomas said.
Thomas said the role of the chairman is only one of many that help make the senate effective.
“It’s not a one-person show, there’s a lot of people sitting in that group that have been president in that group and they know what to expect and so it’s a very astute group of faculty members who care about the future of the university and it’s a real honor to be associated with folks like that. The reason they want to make it better is the tremendous amount of respect the faculty has for our students,” Thomas said.
Thomas said he feels prepared for this position after watching Altschul’s leadership.
“Professor Altschul was really good and we loved his leadership and when I came to the position certain things were laid out, and it is about dotting i’s and crossing t’s and setting the stage for the next leadership group to take the university to the next stage,” Thomas said.
Edward Vacek, S.J., the Rev. Stephen J. Duffy Chairman in Catholic Studies, said he welcomes Thomas in his position.
“I am happy to say that I think he will be a great head of the senate. He has a wonderful style, and he has shown himself to have both humility and strength as he took over the job,” Vacek said.
Barbara C. Ewell, Dorothy H. Brown Distinguished Professor of English, said she thinks Thomas will excel in his new position.
“Dr. Bob has a sense of the whole of the university, he has a sense of the mission and understands what faculty do and he is really committed to that. He is politically astute, which is helpful,” Ewell said.
Ewell said there may be problems Thomas will face during his time as chairman, just as previous leaders have had to face.
“He has serious challenges, the faculty and the administration have to try and deal with the transition that Loyola is dealing with. The financial crisis that Loyola is undergoing, but it’s not a crisis where Loyola’s existence is at stake, I’ve been here quite a while, I’ve seen several crises, they come and they go. But navigating people’s anxiety is a challenge for anyone. Bob will have challenges trying to keep the faculty, the board and administration talking to each other. That’s what a good leader does,” Ewell said.