Protesters respond to pro-Planned Parenthood rally
Karen Arnold, New Olreans native who frequently participates in anti-abortion events, prays with other protesters February 12, 2017, near the entrance to the South Claiborne Avenue Planned Parenthood location, New Orleans, Louisiana as part of a national protest against the establishment.
February 14, 2017
Charles P. Stiebing III, 16 years a participating member of the Archdiocesan Sidewalk Counseling & Prayer Ministry, leads a prayer via speakerphone February 12, 2017, near the entrance to the South Claiborne Avenue Planned Parenthood location, New Orleans, Louisiana as part of a national protest against the establishment. "Oh my Jesus," said Stiebing. "Forgive us our sins." Steiebing said he wanted to help people find alternatives to abortion.