The budget is balanced, or it will be by the 2019 fiscal year. That’s an announcement we’re glad to hear, and it marks an important sep on the road to financial stability. Now that we can breathe and money seems a little bit more comfortable, it’s a good time to point out some aspects of campus that could use a little love. We’re on the right path but there are a few stops along the way that we want to make sure we hit.
Campus is cozy, but three people to a dorm might be a little cramped.
Students have limited space to cook for themselves.
The WiFi can be a bit spotty at times.
Cabra residents are having a little trouble getting their mail.
If one of us dies in an elevator, we will haunt Loyola until the end of time.
Photo credit: Ariel Landry
There are small portion sizes at the O.R.
Students have limited options on the weekend when everything closes early.
The O.R. can feel crowded when Tulane students come around.
It would be nice to be able to use Wolf Bucks around town the same way NOLA Bucks work.
It would also be nice to be able to have the option to buy NOLA Bucks.
The bananas in the C Store are either as green as envy or on the other side of brown town.
Photo credit: Ariel Landry
Some of the equipment in the Sports Complex is a little outdated.
The Sports Complex has limited hours on the weekends, which is when students have free time to work out.
The new design of the Sports Complex has left some students who don’t play sports for Loyola feeling alienated with some of the equipment catering more towards athletes than the general public.
Tell us who Havoc is.
These aren’t particularly big gripes but, for some of us that have been here for almost four years, these are the little things we’d like to see improved. We’ve seen what the new administration can do so far by balancing the budget. We’re confident that we’re putting these issues into good hands.