Loyola hosts inaugural white coat ceremony

Madeline Taliancich

Madeline Taliancich

Grace Lalomia tries on her stethoscope outside of Bobet Hall on Saturday, Oct. 2, 2021. Lalomia is one of the 12 nursing students who was honored during Loyola’s first white coat ceremony.

Maleigh Crespo

This Saturday, the 12 second-year students in Loyola’s nursing program received their white coats in the Ignatius Chapel during Loyola’s first white coat ceremony for nurses. 

According to Laura Robbins-Frank, director of the undergraduate nursing program, the white coat ceremony is the beginning of their clinical practice as nurses. 

“It feels real now that we have our stethoscopes and white coats,” said Sydni Tangle.

Makayla Frommelt admitted that she’s nervous because of the rigor of the program, but she feels that it will be rewarding. 

“It’s a big milestone in my future nursing career,” said Elaina Walker.

The White Coat Ceremony was a milestone not only for students, but for Loyola as well. 

“We are very proud of them, and it’s awesome to have the first inaugural class,” said Robbins-Frank.

Tangle said she’s excited to have the opportunity to be in the first BSN class at Loyola. 

“It’s nice to be the first ones, but it’s also scary,” said Rossana Pasto. “We don’t have anyone to look up to, but we do have a lot of support.”

Samantha Boudreaux shared that since day one, the 12 students have had a strong bond with each other that she feels they will always have as “the firsts.”

Robbins-Frank said that the response to starting the program has blown her mind. 

“The outpouring of applications and interest we’ve gotten in this brand new program is exciting,” she said.