I don’t want to seem like I’m sticking up for the Republicans, but this Foley thing has gotten way out of hand. That’s the first thing that frustrates me. What does this have to do with political parties?
We’re coming up quickly on an election, so if a legislator thinks about something scandalous, you can be sure there will be media coverage.
But this was a real life, honest to goodness scandal. Anchors were reading sexually explicit conversations in their stilted voices. Leadership predicted massive consequences for both the representative and his party. This might give the Democrats the lead they need to take the house and senate, they said.
What? If you dislike the way Republicans have handled the war in Iraq, vote against them. If you think the Democrats have a better vision for America than their opponents, vote for them. But would someone please explain why a creepy Republican should convince me to vote differently?
Both parties have major problems. Their first priority is to convince the public they are the only two choices for government. The only party that makes any sense is the Libertarian Party. But if you want to tell me Mr. Foley’s actions should play any role in deciding between the two establishment parties on a large scale, I will beg to differ.
This is not to dismiss the actions of the representative. If he did molest these kids, he should be punished to the full extent of the law. But for all the smoke about high school kids and their messages, there’s been very little fire.
ABC ran a story saying that the FBI is yet to find any evidence of sexual contact between Foley and underage pages. It seems that he was well aware of the law and waited until pages turned 18 before having sex with them.
“He spotted me when I was a page and set the hook while I was still in high school,” said a former male page interviewed by ABC. “He didn’t reel me in until he showed up at my college campus on a congressional visit.”
So a gay man has sex with other gay men after they turn 18. While this is an exploitation of his position I don’t see the occasion for outrage. I see prejudice against a gay man after he has already resigned his position.
Imagine this slightly altered scenario: A male representative makes suggestive comments to a female page, who responds flirtatiously. After she graduates and turns 18, the representative sleeps with her consensually. Where’s the story?
A recent poll by the Associated Press showed no major difference in voter attitudes before or after the story. Most people surveyed felt that the Republicans cared more about politics than about the pages and that the Democrats would have acted the same.
I hope that any wrongdoing is rightfully punished and that the ridiculous nature of partisan political infighting becomes apparent to the country. If we’re voting for change, let’s start with those who ignore the issues at such a critical time.