Ah, Labor Day weekend and no class on Monday. There should be no classes, like, everyday.
A three-day weekend is a much-needed break after a grueling first week of classes.
The extra day off is like a way to ease back into the routine of school after many have become accustomed to the lazy days of summer.
There’s an additional benefit to having a three-day weekend: a four-day work week.
But why not take off every Monday?
The extra weekend day would refresh us for the week ahead much better than a mere two days ever could.
People would no longer loathe Mondays. Sunday would become the new Saturday.
And students across campus who would never ordinarily socialize would join hands and sing the praises of a regulated three-day weekend.
I realize, however, that that last one will come with time.
The benefits of one less day of classes are grossly underestimated.
Students could use an additional weekend day to go to museums, visit historical landmarks, even volunteer their time for a good cause.
“Independent Study Mondays,” as we could start calling them, could be used to study things outside the confines of a classroom.
While there must be a way to regulate these off-campus activities, the same way internships or actual independent study is regulated, with a movement so large as to include Loyola’s entire student body, the honor system is probably the safest way to go.
I know it isn’t likely that everyone would use the extra twenty-four hours to his or her intellectual benefit, but isn’t it worth a few lost hours of class to find out?
I, for one, wouldn’t waste these extra days sitting on my couch watching “Law & Order” marathons and eating Goldfish crackers.
I only may have done that this past Monday because it was considered a holiday, so of course I wasn’t motivated to work (but even then, I ended up learning a lot about the legal and punitive systems).
And I would so get out of bed before noon on these days … unless, perhaps, there was some hard-core, academic-related partying the night before, in which case my work is already complete.
I think I might be on to something here.
When the rewards are so great from the work hours being so few, there’s no reason every weekend should not be Labor Day weekend.