My administration will focus on truly recognizing the concerns and wishes of the student body first and foremost and acting on those concerns with speed and efficiency.
Rather than focusing on internal issues, I want to bring SGA to the forefront of student needs. While it is important for SGA to maintain stability from within, it is even more important that SGA improve in being the voice and lifeline of the student body as a whole.
I will run an administration dedicated to being more accessible to and more assertive for student voices. I also plan on improving communication between the SGA and student media, something that has seemed to suffer under the current administration.
SGA has seen success in helping establish and approve many clubs and organizations on campus that offer students a larger variety of places to act on ideas and express their interests.
However some things in SGA do need to be changed. The allocations process is confusing to a lot of organizations and clubs that heavily rely on the SGA to provide funds for functions, events and activities.
If elected president, I would work to streamline the process by cutting the red tape involved in obtaining money from the SGA budget.
I would also increase the amount of opportunities for students to voice questions and concerns to the SGA and the administration, using regular town hall meetings and other SGA sponsored events that will have both representatives of SGA and the administration present to address student issues.
If I am elected as SGA president I will be dedicated to addressing the concerns of the students and making sure they are not ignored. It is important to remember that I want to work for the students of Loyola, not the administration.
I understand that it is not enough to simply know the concerns of the student body but to act upon them appropriately. This is where my dedication will be at its most valuable, in following through on initiatives and completing goals that are important to the students.
I desire this position not for its authority, its benefits or its prestige, but for the opportunity it presents to help improve the school for the students.
Cody Dardeau is a criminal justice sophomore, SGA court associate justice
and candidate for SGA president.
He can be reached