It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… another superhero movie!
Yes boys and girls, “Daredevil,” the latest installment from the comic book movie sect, hit theaters two weekends ago and has been tops in the box office since.
But with an all too popular theme nowadays and a star-studded cast, it’s hardly surprising.
“Daredevil” is the story of Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck, “Dogma”), a lawyer who was blinded at a young age due to an incident involving a barrel of radioactive waste.
As a lawyer, he takes on only innocent clients and is known for his staunch ethics.
But Murdock is secretly the crime-fighter known as Daredevil, whose other four senses are so highly advanced that his lack of sight is hardly a hindrance.
But there’s one problem: Kingpin (Michael Clark Duncan, “The Green Mile”) and his henchman, Bullseye (Colin Farrell, “Minority Report”) are determined to take out the crime-fighter. The two plot as only comic book villains can.
In all, the script and plot lines were lost in the glare from all the high-profile names starring in this movie.
The character of Elektra Natchios (Jennifer Garner, TV’s “Alias”) serves no real purpose besides being eye-candy when she gets drenched by a rainstorm.
Yet this is all too frequent in comic-book-to-movie stories, despite the fact that they always take in a pretty penny at the box office.
The acting in “Daredevil” is commendable, yet I had a hard time believing that Ben Affleck was Matt Murdock.
His classic good looks and repertoire of movies do him a disservice here, and he’s unable to play the role of a vengeful, inwardly tortured man very well.
The real acting star in the movie was Colin Farrell, who delved into his character with such aplomb that halfway through the movie, I couldn’t remember who was playing him.
Of course, it didn’t help that for the first time in American cinema, Farrell didn’t have to use an American accent and could revert to his natural Irish brogue.
Yet the movie wasn’t all bad. The visual effects, reminiscent of last year’s blockbuster “Spiderman,” were entertaining.
Also, the scenes where the audience can delve into one of Murdock’s senses are illuminating and commendable.
With the summer approaching fast and another comic book to feature film flick on the way (“The Hulk,” if you’ve been living under a rock recently), it seems that there’s no real end to the Hollywood fascination with comics.
The Last Word: One can only hope that if producers insist on transferring the comics to film, that they can follow in the footsteps of “Spiderman,” “Batman” and “Superman,” and leave “Daredevil” to fight crime alone, in the new release section.

Matt Murdock (Ben Affleck) is an ethical lawyer by day and the crime-fighting superhero Daredevil by night. “Daredevil” is the latest in a string of comic book stories to reach the big screen. (Twentieth Century Fox)