Pi Kappa Phi, Loyola’s newest and second-largest fraternity on campus is looking to grow their membership and to build its members into leaders on campus, Andrew Ketcham, english writing junior and archon or president of Phi Kappa Phi, said.
Pi Kappa Phi is Loyola University’s newest addition to Greek life, which was initiated by Keenan Dollar, leadership consultant for the fraternity, in March 2013.
According to Blake Corley, international business junior and vice archon or vice president of Pi Kappa Phi, the fraternity wants to redefine Greek life and develop leadership skills for each of its members.
Heather Seaman, director of Co- curricular Programs and Danna Student Center , said the expansion process began in fall 2012 when her office made a call to different men’s organizations in the North American Inner-Fraternity Conference.
Before acquiring this fraternity, Loyola had three active fraternities on campus, Seaman said.
Pi Kappa Phi was selected as the organization to be expanded to Loyola at the end of the fall semester, Seaman said.
The possibility of a clean slate of Pi
Kappa Phi sets it apart from the other fraternities, Corley said.
He said the fraternity is able to start fresh with new traditions and create their own image by focusing on being a gentleman, being a scholar and putting school and God first, Corley said.
Pi Kappa Phi’s main ideal for its brothers is to be a leader on campus in whatever field they are in, according to Tom Gillis, world religions senior and chaplain for Pi Kappa Phi.
“Our mission is to lead and our vision is to redefine the fraternity,” Gillis said.
A core component of the fraternity is to embody an ideal called “a man of C.L.A.S.S.” standing for Character, Leadership, Achievement, Scholarship and Service, Ketcham said.
National fraternities are broken into two sections, an associate chapter and an active chapter. An associate chapter is an opportunity to become an active chapter. Pi Kappa Phi currently is an associate chapter, Dollar said.
Fraternities become active chapters by going through a ritual initiation process.
Though Pi Kappa Phi is an associate chapter right now, it is still considered a fraternity, he said
Corley said he believes Loyola’s chapter of Pi Kappa Phi will become an active chapter by spring 2014.
“This is an opportunity for us to start
something from the ground up, define it however we so choose and to leave our mark on Loyola’s campus for the next 100 years,” Corley said.
Burke Bischoff can be reached at [email protected]

Connor Burke, criminal justice junior, Blake Corley, international business junior, and Brian Cutter, psychology sophomore, laugh with one another. The fraternity began the year with plans to become an active chapter in the spring. (EMILY ANDREAS/The Maroon)