Student organizations seeking funding just found out if their semesters will be spent planning events or bake sales.
The Student Government Association voted on their allocation of funds to student organizations on Saturday, Sept. 29.
The allocation committee votes in the beginning of every school year on how much of their budget they will allocate to the various student organizations and clubs on campus. Logan McCabe, vice president of finance of the Student Government Association, facilitates the process for allocations and records the final results of the budget allocations meetings. Although McCabe runs the allocations meeting, he is not allowed to vote in the division of budget, according to McCabe.
“The senators from each college on campus and senators at large who are members of the budget allocations committee decide on how to distribute the funds,” McCabe said.
In order for an organization to get funding, organizations must submit an allocation packet with
budget allocation request forms and documentation explaining why they need the money to be funded to them. Loyola student organizations and clubs that have been chartered for at least a semester can apply for allocations from SGA, according to McCabe.
According to the budget allocations instruction packet, “SGA has designated $90,000 for this semester’s allocation process.” While initial allocations have already been decided upon, there is a second chance for clubs and organizations to apply for funds, according to McCabe.
“Post allocations request packets are due Oct. 12 by 5 p.m.,” said McCabe.
The Budget Allocation Committee will meet again on Oct. 13 to decide which organizations and clubs to allocate money already set aside for post-allocations and also any money left over from the initial allocation budget, according to McCabe.
To make sure there is no ill-use of allocation money, SGA Court of Review checks up on organizations periodically to make sure funds allocated are being spent for what they were proposed for, according to the budget allocations instruction packet.
Allocated money cannot be used for anything other than the expense specified and must comply with university, state and federal laws and policies, according to the budget allocations instructions packet.
“Allocated funding can only be dispersed to/for the event that has been outlined in accordance with the information provided in the submitted SGA budget allocation request form,” according to the budget allocations instruction packet.
Jonathan Cepelak can be reached at [email protected]