Going Greek
January 16, 2003

Rho Chi and forensic science junior Kristen Rivero, Gamma Phi Beta’s Emily Clark, English junior, Sarah Goodson, music business junior, and Courtney Becker, accounting sophomore, participate in the 2003 Bid Day activities. Bids from all of the on-campus sororities were given out on Monday, Jan. 13. This semester, 95 women recieved bids to join Loyola’s four sororities. Before bids are given out, the sororities hold four days of various parties, which include an open house and a philanthropy night, to allow the women to choose between the groups. The parties increase in length each day and the women are only allowed to visit with two organizations on the final day before bids. During the recruitment process, a certain number of current members become Rho Chi’s, who act as guidance counselors during the process. Rho Chi’s disaffiliate with their current sororities during the Fall semester and remain disaffiliated until after Bid Day.
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