Strive toward better health, and energy can be obtained quickly, but shaping takes perseverance and a lot of pain. If you want the results, you are going to have to work hard, it won’t come easily.
This might get a little out there for some readers, but some of you know what I am talking about.
You must separate your mind from your body. In the motion of exercise, you must pay attention to what you are working on, not just go through the movements.
For example, the main dilemma people have is working their core. You can do a hundred crunches in a minute and get all sweaty and tired, but not get results.
You need to zone out for a set and just feel the fibers of muscle in your abdominals contract and expand.
Take your time and focus in the gym, park, pool, dorm or wherever.
I received a muscle-building question this week. “I have long and defined triceps, how can I get them thicker?” In my opinion, there are too many times where triceps are usually done in a parallel grip.
This adjustment is not only good for guys that want to get denser, stronger arms: (sets 4-5, reps 6-10, heavy weight), it is good for women to tighten under and behind arms: (sets 2-3, reps 15-30, light weight).
The adjustment is easily done on a cable machine. Using the long attachment at the widest distance and an under handed grip, flare your elbows out away from your body. This forces you to use the triceps’ fibers under the arm.
Another question addressed technique. The basis to good technique, no matter the type of exercise, is good posture.
“It looks like I have good posture but I still do not feel the lift, how do you know you have good technique?”
A good technique is a transverse abdominal exercise, which is the core’s ability to suck your stomach in.
Treat every movement like an ab workout by holding in your abdominal muscles throughout the day.
When you suck your abdominals in, the hard part is to breathe steadily, but if you continue to go about regular movements, you will feel the muscles working for every rep or step.
While you will not get cut through this movement, you will see your waist begin to taper without doing a lot of cardio. That is what good exercise technique and posture feels like.
Keep those two tips in mind at all times. Really focus on the fibers being used and suck it in and breathe steady for everything.