Our city was recently overrun with witches, ghosts, adorable character and even the occasional political statement or balloon boy reference. But now that Halloween is over and the costumes are gone, I’m wondering why I still see zombies marching around me.
I am not talking about a mask or costume, but rather the people who have slipped into the mundane routines of their daily lives so much so that they’ve lost any sense of joy.
Look all around and you will see individuals who hold so tightly to their routine that they’ve lost sight of where they’re going and why. They’ve become zombies in the face of their routines.
I recognize the human desire to cling to what’s comfortable, but that’s why people become bored. Things that are constant and unchanging are comforting but eventually become drab.
Most people either don’t like change or subconsciously avoid it. Have you ever noticed how most people sit in the exact same desk in class even though there is no assigned seating? Or have you recognized in yourself the tendency to order the same coffee or ice cream flavor without hesitation?
We like to stick to what we know.
But in doing so, we are likely to become zombies. If we all become brainless zombies, the world will turn grey with monotony.
The only way we can avoid this is by consciously deciding to make changes. Make the effort to step outside of your comfort zone. Better yet, just eliminate your idea of a comfort zone all together and learn to feel comfortable in the uncomfortable.
I hate to see the people who never have a spare minute to catch up with an old friend or meet someone new. But when you ask them what’s keeping them so busy, they don’t know.
When I see these zombie cases, I just want to scream. I want to shake the sense out of them; I want to mix up their structured routines so badly that they’re forced to crack and see the effect of their over-controlled lifestyle.
St. Ignatius said that if we tie ourselves down to too many things, we lose the freedom to make good decisions in light of the path God has in mind for us.
I know it’s easy to let one’s daily practices become lasting habits, but if we let ourselves slip into the consuming normalcy of daily life, we are missing out on the spark that brings true joy.
You can start by making small changes. Sit next to someone new in your next class. Order a new flavor of ice cream. Go somewhere you’ve never visited in the city. Try a new restaurant.
Slowly you can work your way up the adventure latter to bigger changes. Take a hot air balloon ride. Go to another country to learn about a different culture. Join a new club. Try waterskiing or zip lining.
These may seem random but some of my best memories are products of randomness and silly adventures.
I have many of the same daily habits as zombies, but I don’t let my routine control me. I am in control of my habits as well as my own happiness.
Together we can spice up the lives of those zombies who forgot to take off their masks after Halloween.
Janece Bell can be reached at